Deck at Leen's Lodge

Kotok’s Blog

Our New Book Is Official

A wooden deck at Leen's Lodge in Maine, overlooking lake, with two chairs and a flowerbox on the railing.

A wooden deck at Leen's Lodge in Maine, overlooking lake, with two chairs and a flowerbox on the railing.

Our New Book Is Official

David R. Kotok, February 16, 2025

We are live with our new book, The Fed and the Flu: Parsing Pandemic Economic Shocks ( co-authors and I have nearly five years invested in the effort. We appreciate the positive reviews the book has received so far. Here are two recent ones from independent reviewers:

Kirkus calls The Fed and the Flu “A well-researched, engaging economic history of pandemics” and adds “Dedicated to both frontline healthcare professionals as well as Federal Reserve employees, the book reflects the humanistic belief that the economy exists to serve people….  This empathetic perspective, in addition to the erudite economic analysis and engaging historical overview, makes this an accessible work for a wide audience.” 

— Kirkus Reviews (Read the full review here:

[The Fed and The Flu] is a crucial resource for policymakers, economists, and anyone interested in public health and economic policy intersections…, providing historical context and forward-looking insights into managing economic crises triggered by health emergencies.”

—  Readers’ Favorite (Read the full review:

Reviews from Dennis Lockhart, former president and CEO of the Atlanta Fed; Loretta Mester, former president of Cleveland Fed; and Kathleen Stephansen, vice chair of the GIC’s College of Central Bankers, can be found on the book website at We deeply appreciate their willingness to be highly qualified advance readers and to review The Fed and the Flu. 

The book is now available in all formats from ebook to paperback to hardback. You can find links to the book’s order pages at Barnes and Noble and Amazon at or reach out to your favorite independent bookstore to order. The book website is listing book events and is live. Seven book signings and discussions are in the pipeline between now and the end of April. Podcast interviews are planned or actually scheduled.   

It has been a long journey for my co-authors and me. Now we have the story to tell. That story spans thousands of years, yet we believe it could not be more timely.

Many thanks to those who have been encouraging and supportive through this entire process. 


David R. Kotok

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