A wooden deck at Leen's Lodge in Maine, overlooking lake, with two chairs and a flowerbox on the railing.

A wooden deck at Leen's Lodge in Maine, overlooking lake, with two chairs and a flowerbox on the railing.

Global Interdependence Center

David Kotok has served as Program Chairman and as a Director of the Global Interdependence Center (GIC),, whose mission is to encourage the expansion of global dialogue and free trade in order to improve cooperation and understanding among nation states, with the goal of reducing international conflicts and improving worldwide living standards.

A graph showing the hype cycle for an ipo.
David Kotok, recipient of GIC’s Global Citizen Award, 2010 ~ From left: Bill Dunkelberg, Kotok, Bill Poole, and Michael Heavener

In 2010 he received the Global Citizen Award from GIC for his efforts. Kotok chaired its Central Banking Series.  During his Program Chairman term, he organized a five-continent, thirteen-city, dialogue held in Cape Town, Hong Kong, Hanoi, Livingstone (Zambia), Milan, Paris, Philadelphia, Prague, Rome, Santiago (Chile), Shanghai, Singapore, and Tallinn.