Category: Plagues

  • Our New Book Is Official

    Our New Book Is Official

    We are live with our new book, The Fed and the Flu: Parsing Pandemic Economic Shocks ( co-authors and I have nearly five years invested in the effort. We appreciate the positive reviews the book has received so far. Here are two recent ones from independent reviewers: Kirkus calls The Fed and the Flu “A well-researched, engaging economic history of pandemics”…

  • A History Lesson?

    David R. Kotok, October 27, 2024 (The following was first published on The Kotok Report website and via LISTSERV. For details, visit This Sunday’s missive is about geopolitical risk and what may be leading to a war.  IMO, we already have a “proxy” war.  Did we learn anything from the 1930s? Is history “rhyming?”…